General Information
• For the time being all proficiency exams will occur online.
• The exam is two hours long.
• The Reading Proficiency Exam in German consists of the successful translation of one original German text of 300-350 words. You may request a sample exam.
• Dictionaries (including online dictionaries like may be used.
• You may not use online translators for whole phrases.
• You will be able to choose one of two texts.
• Translations should remain close to the original text, but should be in reasonably fluent English.
Two ways to complete the exam
• Passing the Proficiency Exam after being enrolled in the second course of the German for Reading Knowledge I and II sequence or its intensive summer course equivalent.
• Registering for the Reading Proficiency Exam without taking a Reading Knowledge course. You should register with Silja Weber ([email protected]) via email. In that case, you will take the exam on a predetermined date; at the moment these exams are administered online. See below for procedure. Please register at least 2 business days before the test date.
Taking the exam online:
You will be sent an invitation to a Canvas course site that allows you to take the test.
• Please accept the invitation and make sure you can access the site at least 24 hours before the test date. Contact Silja Weber ([email protected]) immediately if you cannot access the site.
• The test will be available as a Quiz on that site at the time and date of the test. The information on the homepage of the site will guide you to the exam. You can take the test at any time after 9 am on the day the regular proficiency exam is scheduled and it will be accessible for 24 hours. Your two-hour time slot will start when you open the exam.
• Please make sure to sign your name to the honor pledge and to list any advisors or administrators who need to be informed if you pass the exam. The exam setup will prompt you to do both.
For any related questions, please email Silja Weber at [email protected]