About the film series:
Our film series focuses on the Actor Daniel Brühl, who is also internationally known (Woman in Gold, Captain America, The Zookeeper's Wife, only to name 3) We will feature 3 of his German movies. Good bye Lenin is is part of our curriculum and we work with a couple of scenes in our Intermediate I classes.
All German movies shown at the German Movie Night have English subtitles. Admission is free and open to all CU ID-holders. There will be a short instructor-led discussion following the presentation.
October 19: Good Bye Lenin (2003), 2h 3m. German with English subtitles. Comedy/Drama/Romance.
In October 1989, right before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Alex Kerner (Daniel Brühl) is living with his
mom, Christiane (Kathrin Sass), and sister, Ariane (Maria Simon). But when the mother, a loyal party
member, sees Alex participating in an anti-communist rally, she falls into a coma and misses the
revolution. After she wakes, doctors say any jarring event could make her have a heart attack, meaning the family must go to great lengths to pretend communism still reigns in Berlin.
* Summaries and Film Information from Google Search