Major academic events hosted by Deutsches Haus, often in collaboration with New German Critique and The Germanic Review, include:
International Kracauer Symposium, Deutsches Haus, Columbia. Spring 1990 (Andreas Huyssen and Mark Anderson and the DLA Marbach). Published in New German Critique 55
Nationalism and Xenophobia in Germany and Central Europe. Deutsches Haus, Columbia University, Spring, 1992. Major papers published in New German Critique 57
The Legacy of Antifascism. Symposium Deutsches Haus, Columbia University, Spring 1995. Published in New German Critique 67
Conference in honor of David Bathrick, 2005. New German Critique 95
Crisis and Conflict in 20th-Century Europe (conference in honor of Anson Rabinbach), 2010. Published in New German Critique 117
Cinema and the Legacies of Critical Theory: International Conference in Memory of Miriam Hansen, Sept. 21/22, 2012. Published in New German Critique 122.
Ghosts of the Past: Nazi-Looted Art and Its Legacies, Febr. 19-21, 2015 Jewish Museum, NYC, Goethe, and Columbia. Published in New German Critique130
Transatlantic Theory Transfer: Missed Encounters? Deutsches Haus, Columbia, March 27-28, 2015. Forthcoming in New German Critique 132.
In addition:
David Levin, with Mark Anderson, Walter Frisch, and Edward Said organized a conference on Richard Wagner, 1994. Published in New German Critique 69
Dorothea von Mücke organized a conference in 2007 in honor of Villard Professor Andreas Huyssen's 65th. Published in New German Critique 110 under the title Cold War Culture