Germanic Languages

Major, Concentrate, or Minor in German! Take a tour of our program here.

Explore our German Graduate Program and the focus in Yiddish Studies.


Upcoming Events

AY 2024-2025 Course Schedule

 Please note:  The course schedule may be subject to change, and students are encouraged  to confirm the course listings in the online Directory of Courses and Vergil, where course descriptions and class meeting times are updated regularly. 

Please contact the following people with questions about our current offerings or with questions about undergraduate or graduate programs of study:

German Placement & Proficiency Exams

Please click here for information on the German Placement Exam. 


Please clicke here for inforamtion on the German Proficiency Exam. 


Spring 2025

Congratulation to Hazel Rhodes (PhD '24) who has officially accepted a job offer as Assistant Professor of German in the Department of German, Nordic, Slavic and Dutch at the University of Minnesota! Hazel will begin her new position in August 2026 after the end of her current PPFP fellowship there.